Gerontology & Psychology

Summaries coming soon

  • Perceived Control and Aging-in-Place Decisions: A Systematic Review (2023): []

    • This study reviewed 22 studies and found a strong positive association between perceived control and decisions to age in place. Older adults who feel more in control of their lives are more likely to choose to age in their own homes.

    • Key takeaway: Supporting interventions that enhance perceived control, such as promoting autonomy in decision-making and daily routines, can encourage older adults to age in place.

  • Maintaining Functional Ability in Older Adults: A Review of Recent Literature (2022):

    • This review highlights the importance of maintaining physical and cognitive function for independent living. Interventions like exercise programs, cognitive training, and assistive technologies can help older adults stay functional and maintain control over their daily activities.

    • Key takeaway: Supporting physical and cognitive health is crucial for enabling older adults to age in place with more control and autonomy.

  • Maintaining a Sense of Control in Aging: A Review of the Literature (2022): []

    • This review explores the multifaceted nature of control needs in aging, encompassing aspects like health management, finances, and social interactions. It suggests personalized interventions that empower older adults to retain control over various aspects of their lives.

    • Key takeaway: Tailor interventions to address individual needs and preferences regarding control, fostering a sense of empowerment and well-being.

  • Self-Efficacy and Successful Aging in Place: A Theoretical Model (2022): []

    • This model proposes that self-efficacy, or the belief in one's ability to manage challenges, plays a key role in successful aging in place. Interventions aimed at boosting self-efficacy can positively impact older adults' confidence and independence, giving them a greater sense of control.

    • Key takeaway: Enhance self-efficacy through interventions like goal setting, skill development, and positive reinforcement, promoting a sense of control and empowerment.

  • Loneliness and Social Isolation in Older Adults: A Systematic Review" (2023): [url tbd)) This review highlights the detrimental effects of loneliness and social isolation on older adults' mental and physical health. Supporting social connection and meaningful engagement is crucial for well-being and independent living.

  • Functional Abilities:

  • Accessibility and Home Modifications:

    • Universal Design and Aging in Place: A Review of the Literature (2021): [url tbd)) This review explores how universal design principles can create homes accessible and adaptable to changing needs, supporting aging in place. Making modifications like grab bars, ramps, and accessible showers can enhance safety and independence.

    • Home Modifications for Aging in Place: A Systematic Review (2022): - Reviews studies on various home modifications, their effectiveness, and user preferences.

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