
Revitalizing spaces (home & garden) to nourish life’s journey

Holistic lifestyle solutions for 60+ to be safe, content, and thrive @ home

We build on the latest research to be your Thrive @ Home Coach helping you navigate the multitude of decisions required to continue to nourish your life’s journey in your home.

Life is all about the Energy Within - within ourselves and our environments. There is a profound connection between our inner energy, our spirit, and the spaces around us. This synergy between our internal state and our environment, whether indoors or outdoors, is crucial for thriving as we age. It’s thinking about life at home holistically.

Age in Place

Age in place refers to the ability of an individual to live in their own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level. The emphasis is primarily on the physical, safety and health aspects of aging, ensuring that older adults can continue living in their own homes without having to move to institutionalized care facilities.

Thrive in Place

Thrive in place builds on Age in Place concepts and takes them one step further. It addresses the physical and safety needs and focuses on the social, physical, emotional, spiritual, and cognitive well-being of individuals. It emphasizes a holistic approach to living in one's home, where 60+ are not just safe and independent but also engaged, fulfilled, and connected to the environment and to community.